Thursday 27 March 2014


Icicles at Treloars

I took this photograph whilst I was at Treloar college and I was living in a house called Gloucester. The night before it had completely snowed over and the snow left lovely icicles and it had made it hard for staff to get to college to teach the students at college. My friend also took photographs of the beautiful snow outside she walked over to one of the trees outside our house, which was covered snow and I thought it would lovely to take photographs. I also felt that these icicles looked amazing, beautiful and perfect for photographs.

Runner Up Image

Roses and Daggers

This image is of roses with kitchen knife to replace the daggers due to I couldn't find any. I got the inspiration from an artist called Magritte who was a surrealist and it got me into surrealism, which I did at college. He had done a surrealist image of a rose and dagger that gave me an idea to do my own version of it and it took a while to produce. I took photographs of roses when I went to Coleton Fishacre and then back at college I used a light box. So my tutor came up with the idea of using kitchen knifes to replace the dagger. After I did all of this I used photoshop to make this image look surreal and then a few months later the City and Gulids photography competition came up I decided to use this image and also I had to put a description with it. A few weeks went by and then I got the news that my image was a runner up and it was going to be printed and put up in a London gallery for people to go and see and enjoy.

Before the Knifes 

Magritte a amazing Surrealist

Thursday 20 March 2014

More of my favourite images!

Coleton Fishacre 2012
This Beautiful image of a Geranium in full bloom was taken by myself on a summers day when I visited the gardens with my grandma. We visited different parts of the house and my favourite room in the house was Lady Dorothy's bedroom because it had a view of the gardens and in the distance was the sea. I always enjoy coming to visit here especially in the summer months due to the beautiful colours of the flowers/shrubs in the gardens.

Treloar Past Manipulated Photograph
I spend three years at this boarding college, which was for physically disabled students. I lived in a residential house called Gloucester for two and half years and I spend the other half and my final year in Brewer house. I had my own bedroom and I studied photography, which I have gained a lot of experience from now. I used photoshop to create this photograph.

Orlando Florida 2012
I took this photograph of the castle at night because in the day time it was hard to see it. However at night the lights that cover the castle turn on, which makes it stand out and it looked amazing at night because you could see the difference against the dark background. Myself, my sister and my mum ate out because they also had a mini fireworks display before and after turning the lights on and
I felt that this would be a good photograph and a nice memory to have of the castle.