Thursday 13 February 2014

A Sample of my work!

Photogram of a Peacock Feather
This photograph is a peacock feather, which also used in this photogram. I found a peacock feather and placed it down on white grade 3 photo paper and then exposed it for a few seconds. After that I developed it and put it through a chemical process. When I had taken it through that process the paper had turned black and the feather came out white!

Sharpham Estate Photograph

I took this photograph when I had finished at Sharpham Estate I had done a photo shoot there for the people that work there. Myself and my support worker thought that this area view would be a wonderful photograph. We saw this river on our way into Sharpham house, which is on Sharpham Estate.

Darcy Photo Shoot

This image of Darcy the dog, which I took photos of back in April 2012 and it was a beautiful day and myself, Janice and Tony his owners went for a walk first on a beach and then in their local forest. I was asked to take photos of Darcy because they wanted to make a calendar for their daughter who owned him before they did and he was very good and well behaved as you can see in this image.

Dartington 2013
This lovely image of different colour flowers that I took when myself and my support worker went for a visit to Dartington Hall. I saw these beautiful flowers and couldn't wait to take photographs of them, as the colours show up well as you can see in this image, especially when you look at the strong yellow next to the white flower in this image.

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